Now a Certified Transformation Specialist
I am pleased to announce that in addition to being a Certified Personal Trainer, I am now a Certified Transformation Specialist! Your wellness journey is physical, mental, and emotional. Along with helping you achieve your physical goals, I can now help you understand your emotional behavior as it relates to your well being, and help you develop and strengthen commitment strategies to ensure long term commitment and success.
Research suggests that roughly 80% of people who shed a significant portion of their body fat will not maintain that degree of weight loss for 12 months. Understand why you overeat, why your exercise program gets sabotaged and why you have such a hard time keeping your resolutions. Then develop and strengthen a blueprint to decrease unwanted behavior and increase desirable behavior. Experience long term success that we can build upon together.
. Certified Personal Trainer
. Certified Transformation Specialist (Life Coach)
. Certified CPR/ AED/ First Aid
. Fitness After 40
. Resistance Training
. Weight Loss